Mueen Akhtar is a very versatile personality of Bundelkhand. He is exceptionally an inspiration for many youngsters. Infect, Mueen Akhtar is an expert in Watercolor landscape painting, but he is also equally good in Art History and Art Education theoretically. He is also a successful YouTuber and blogger. Let’s find out more about this great artist.
Short Bio
Mueen Akhtar was born in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh India. Since childhood, he was fond of drawing. His early education and higher education were done in Jhansi. After completing B.Com, he did a one-year diploma in Art & appreciation course in Fine Arts from Indira Kala Sangeet University, Khairagarh.
After this, he took admission to MA in Drawing & Painting in the Fine Art Department of Bundelkhand University Jhansi in 2003. He completed this degree by securing the Top Position in PG in 2005. Soon he also cleared University Grant Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) for lecturership in Universities and Colleges
Art Inspiration
Mueen Akhtar loves drawing since his childhood & used to make sketches of his time superhero and animals. His grandfather (Nanaji) also inspired him.

Being the only son of his parents, Mueen was not allowed to spend time making drawings. Initially, his parents were concerned about his study more than anything. One day, his grandfather (Nanaji) saw his hidden talent. He encouraged Mueen to do it regularly. His grandfather also convinced his parents to allow him to continue his drawing. After all, his grandfather was non-other than a famous poet of Jhansi. His grandfather was known as Mazak Jhansvi.
His Art
He is very good at sketching. He can draw anything within very little time. Since his childhood, he did only pencil sketching and pen drawing. When he did his diploma in 2002, for the first time he used brushes and color. His early Guru was Dr. Subhesh. Dr. Subhesh was the most senior artist of Jhansi. In the Fine Art department during his PG, he also studied art theoretically as well as practically.
Basically, he chooses a watercolor medium to work on. But he is also good with Oil color and acrylic color. He painted many realistic landscapes and cityscapes with watercolor. The transparency of color, brightness & freshness of his color in his work attracts the people. In 2021 he started an initiative named Explore Bundelkhand. Under this initiative, he along with his best friend Artist Vikrant Jha and others will paint historical monuments and scenery of Bundelkhand Region. Although, he already painted many monuments and areas of Bundelkhand like- Chanderi fort, Jhansi Frt, Talbehat Fort, Orchha Fort & also scenes of Jhansi, Railway Station, Mata Teela, Kashmir Vally, and others.

His airplane series work is also a very remarkable work of watercolor. He made around 15 paintings on this theme. All are exceptionally high in quality and very different work. You can see on the painting Airplane series above.
YouTuber & Blogger
Mueen is a very skilled person in technology. He is the kind of person who loves to walk along with the time. So, he has always loved to use technology. During the pandemic of the corona, he made good use of his time and developed his YouTube Channel & Blog. His blog is with his name He writes about Art History, art education, Ncc, and his personal activities.
Fine Artist Mueen
Fine Artist Mueen is his Youtube channel name. However, you can find videos related to Art. Theoretically, there are so many videos & video series which help the students of higher education. While watercolor demonstrations & other demos videos are also useful for art lovers.
His Some Videos
He has been very active from 2013 to 2016. During these periods, he displayed his works in New Delhi, Mumbai, Gwalior, Gaziabad, Lucknow, Bhopal, Indore, Jaipur, & Jhansi. His work was also displayed in Kathmandu, Bhutan.
Recently, his many works were also shown in an online exhibition especially in Bundelkhand Art Society’s events.
- 2005 Position Holder of Master of Arts(Drawing & Painting) of Fine Arts Dep. Bundelkhand University Jhansi.
- 2006 U.G.C. NET (National Eligibility Test) in Visual Arts.
- 2008-2009 Ex- Teacher of Art Education of Jawahar Navodyaya Vidyalaya, Shahkote Baramulla J & K.
- Ex- Associate Professor (Visual Art) of N.A.G.D. College Amroha.
- Art Education Teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan since 2010.
- An award in Creative painting in Kala Manthan art Camp on 6th Sep. 2011 by Art Club Jhansi in Association with Govt. Museum Jhansi.
- Kala Shree Award-2019 from Agnipath Art Society New Delhi on 01 Nov 2019.
- Bundeli Yuva Pratibha Award given by Bundelkhand Art Society on 29 Nov 2019
- Best Art Contributor Male Award is given by Neeti Bisht Artz New Delhi on 8 Feb 2020.
- Art Education Classes on National Channel Swayam Prabha by NIOS in 2020.